Here comes Niya, uniting the world through her song!

The NiyaKids™ Collection features a African American Doll with multiethnic friends that help young people embrace their unique individuality and celebrate the differences of others.
Niya sings and speaks four languages when she holds her different accessories or the child presses her six activation buttons on the doll.
• Niya unites the world through friendship & song!
• Niya sings six different songs!
• Niya speaks in four languages!
• Niya speaks over 100 phrases!
• Niya has 3 accessories: Cell Phone, Maracas, Drum!
NiyaKids™ As Seen on The Toy Box!
If you love the NiyaKids™ Doll help us get Darla Davenport Powell’s dream to market!
On The Toy Box the experts gave NiyaKids™ the thumbs up but we were against stiff competition, we still believe there is a need for an inclusive product line featuring NiyaKids™!
It takes a lot of capital to manufacture a doll like NiyaKids™, but we believe we can do it with your support.